Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hi Blog, oh how I've missed you. I have an iPhone now so maybe I'll blog more often, but then again maybe not because I don't get ON the actual computer to do things now with an actual keyboard, so we'll see...Wait, I do get on the computer every other Friday to pay bills, so maybe I'll blog twice a month...paying bills makes me crabby usually though so maybe I won't. Alot has happened since I last blogged. I need to see when it was, I think it was October 2011!! Maybe I'll make a list.... 1.I'm fatter. Alot fatter. 2.I'm still not pregnant. 3.I have an iPhone, oh wait I told you that already. 4.We moved into our new house in Mishawaka. *5.I actually moved into, then out and back into...this ones needs its own blog... 6.We got and got rid of Rosie the Rottweiler. 7.I'm a lazy ass pet owner. 8.I'm addicted to Words w Friends and Scramble w Friends. 9.If I spent less time on my phone and more time DOING stuff, gosh I'd get alot done. *10.AJ turned 40.I threw him a surprise party. This could be a fun blog by itself. *11.Aj and I have found serious quality time in riding the motorcycle together. 12.He's the Sgt at Arms in Marine Riders of Michiana Motorcycle club. 13.The families in the club are just awesome. 14.I have worn tank tops. I haven't in YEARs. 15.I have another tattoo, M-a-g-g-i-e with a butterfly, it rocks. 16.I still want sleeves..for you lame peeps, that means tattoos all over my arms. *17.My dad had quadruple bypass and a valve replacement surgery- he's lucky he's alive really. This one too will probably be its own blog. 18.I've been married 5 years, but now I feel like it really means something. See#5. 19.Maggie went to Soccer 3 times and decided she hated it, didn't participate but a little bit... *20. Maggie went to Mishawaka High School for Preschool this past fall! awww. This will probably need it own blog too. *21. Seesh, My baby girl will be 4 in two weeks - looks like I'm also long over due to write her a 'bletter' (blog letter)!! 22.I had carpal tunnel surgery June 1st, woot, my hand isn't asleep! 23.I'm more thankful for what I have. *24.I've decided I will never again say "I'll do that when I'm skinny." OR "I'll wear that when I'm skinny."- I'm not just living life and I'm tired of it - another one needs its own blog. 25.I kinda like this list thing- now I know what blogs I need to write, and if I forget, I can check out this list. ha. gosh, genius. Are you believing how smart I am? ha....hmmmm 7 blogs to follow...

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