Friday, July 2, 2010

Book Edward, Movie Jacob

Team Edward. I am in virtual made-up cougar teenybopper vampire Team Edward club world whatever it is. The Edward Cullen in the books. Not the Robert Pattinson version of Edward. Edward in my head was not Robert Pattinson. I get that his looks are quite vampirey and he is pale so it works but...Edward in my head was not RP, just sayin.
I cannot begin to describe in-my-head-Ed. He was perfect. He was beautiful and MANLY and sweet and romantic and yummy. Rob-Ed just doesn't fit my bill, just doesn't do IT for me.
In the movies the yumminess is Jacob. Taylor Lautner might be 16 years younger than me, but hello, do you SEE that body? Well how could you miss it? He doesn't own a shirt! (Ha, good one Edward) Movie Jacob is not what I pictured either though while reading the Saga, but I offer a shout out to Casting. Woot. In-my-head-Book-Jacob was not as built even when he was on 4 legs, kinda a dorky innocent "kid" with a Bella Crush not a I-wanna-do-you-right-now-in-front-of-Edward Lust. Although the 'banter' (that's for you Jenj, one of your favorite words) between Jacob and Edward over Bella is hilarious in Eclipse. The warm-me-up-with-your-big-beefy-chest-while-there's-a-blizzard-and-The Cold One-can't-warm-me-up is a plus in my book. YuM.
In real life, when I have to choose a vampire or a werewolf, I'd choose Edward, I'm always hot and it would just work ok.

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