Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Granny won't be here FOREVER? What?

From Jenna's blog(couldn't explain it any better so I done stole it)
Yesterday I found out that my Granny is sick. She's been having stomach pains for 2 weeks and finally went to the doctor who rushed her to a ct scan. Results are not good: she has free floating fluid in her abdomen which is causing her stomach to pooch out abnormally (I have that too I showed her and she laughed), a tumor on her ovaries, nodules in her lungs and her liver looks bad. These are all symptoms that point to cancer but she has to have a fluid draw in 2 days to find the source of the problem. If the source is her girlie parts -GREAT- they can be removed...she's not using them anyway. If it's her lungs, stomach or liver then -NOT GREAT- she has to breathe, digest food, and well, I'm pretty sure a liver is important. She's already talking about not taking chemo treatments due to watching her sister, Lethie, die of ovarian cancer and she had chemo for over a year and never got better, just sicker. She said she'd rather go see Jesus sooner anyhow because she knows her mom and dad are gonna be right there behind Him. Talk about tearing my heart out!

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