Sunday, June 27, 2010

I've created a monster

oh my gosh, some of the stuff that comes out of Maggie's mouth is soooo funny.
Some of the things, I'm like, oh no, I say that and now she's saying it. Other ones are all her little precious self!
So we are trying to break her of her pacifier, she used it just for sleeping, then it became pretty much a 19 hours a day thing, just needed it for comfort and I let her, I know, I'm getting The Mother of the Year award once again. I swore I wouldn't let her have a paci at first, then I caved. She loves the damn thing. I give in cuz Maggie's cute and I can't help it, but my caving in can cause more problems for me later and for her cuz then I have to put my foot down. Ok ok, so this is my first kid and I' m learning the hard way, big shocker. Anywho... the other day I put her down for her lovely afternoon snooze with her paci, blanket and 'peeyo'. She got up 2.5 hours later and it was time to hand over the paci. I said, ok nap is over, let Mommy have your paci. She grabs it and gives me 'THE LOOK'. I move her hand and take it from her. She says 'HEY I was usin THAT!". I laughed so hard, I couldn't help it, it was so damn funny and she was sooooo serious about it. I put her paci up on her dresser where she can't reach it, and laughed again when I looked back at her. Maggie looked pretty much offended. She was serious about using the paci and I had taken it from her and I was laughing. The look on her face made me think in her head she was asking 'um excuse me, but why is this funny?'!! I felt a little bad but had the giggles. I said with a grin on my face "Maggie honey , I'm sorry but you're a big girl and you don't need your paci unless you're sleeping." She just stared at me like yeah whatever, you don't know. She pouted a little bit then laid back down in her crib and said "I'm sleeping" and reached as far out as her little arm would reach and then said "paci?". OOOOOOOO smooth one kid, yes lay back down and act like you're going back to sleep so you can have your paci. You're smart, but I'm still smarter in some moments. I picked her, with a some resistance, like no no nap time is over and we changed her butt, got a snack and put on Robots. Who needs a paci when we've got Rodney Copperbottom and Fender?!! :)

Another thing she's saying now is "for a minute" or "a minute". Both of which are from yours truly.
When it's time for bed, I'll say ok, grab your blanket, let's go nigh night and she'll say usually with a hand in the air "I lay HERE for a minute".
We could be leaving to go somewhere and she is dilly dallying out the door and I'll say something like come on Maggie we gotta get going or move it girl or go to the car and she'll say "on porch a minute" or "watchin bird a minute". Pretty much 'a minute' has no time value, she is just telling me to stuff it! :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday by the Fountain

1st of all, Maggie refused to touch the water in the Fountain. What a weirdo.
2nd of all, the Fountain isn't always on because of the economy. Now that is just sad.
Fridays by the Fountain is a 10 year old tradition in South Bend. It's free concerts on fridays down by the fountain in front of The Morris. From 11:30-1:30 you can enjoy hanging out, listening to free music, buying food if you wish from the handful of vendors, dancing if you dance, water splashing from the fountain if you're hot, shade trees, nice sidewalks to walk or ride your scooter on, a weird double circle sculpture thing that your kid will be obsessed over, old people, young people, people on their lunch hour, moms yelling at their kids, moms ignoring their kids that need to be yelled at and ,oh, the music of course.
Today was Kennedy's Kitchen an Irish Band, who I've seen only one other time, but they are so good. Authentic Irish music, not that I've ever been to Ireland to know for sure but it's what I'd expect a band in Ireland would sound like.
Maggie, Granny and I went. We found some shade and set up camp. Not that Maggie would just sit in the shade and relax, I knew that much going in, but her stoller was comfy in the shade beside Granny. We walked around and around and around the brick circle that went by the band, around the back of the vendors and back up towards Granny. Maggie is lucky it was only 82 degrees and less humid today than it has been the last few days or Mommy wouldn't have been all about the around and around and around and around. Ha. She wanted to see the Fountain, from a distance. When we got up close, she could feel the slight splashes/fine mist and 'no like the waduh'. I thought the nice fine mist was a welcoming break from the heat, but what do I know?! Ok kids on your scooters, watch out, if you hit my daughter, I'm going to break that little scooter over your face, ok I'm ok now, their mom told them what's up! :) Although, the small scooter would be easy to pack in the trunk for kids to take places like this to give them something to do other than trying to lug around a bike or trampoline or something bigger. A scooter, a soccer ball and a football did just fine for almost every single kid I saw there. I'll put that in my memory bank for when Maggie is a little older and gets bored more easily. Right now, she is fine with her chips, her sunglasses and walking around and looking at pretty much everything and telling me all about it. Look Mommy, big truck. Wow Mommy Circles. Mommy look. Come on Mommy walk. Music Mommy. Mommy look at the waduh. Wanna chip Mommy? Hi Grinny(I love that Maggie says Granny like Grinny). Drink Mommy. Is hot Mommy. :)

Good Day.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Go Dame Go

A morning of routine
...breakfast, breakfast clean up, dishes, throw in load of laundry, put together 3 gifts for Father's Day cookout later on, read 'My Little Girl'to Maggie, watch 'Nemo', change Maggie's clothes after she almost chokes and throws up...
turned into a family outting to buy Moto Moto's Mama this year's ND Football 'The Shirt' for her birthday.
Just a drive to the Hammes Bookstore at Eddy Street Commons was nice. Maggie was trying to sing along to the radio. We hung out in the bookstore for about 45 minutes. Only complaint I have is the paint fumes still lingering in there, but I got over it. They have a children's section with nice little tables and chairs and the Midge was in heaven. She loves "Dame"! She picked herself out a little squishy football and a 'pommom'! She was the shit.
It just so happened when we got there, a new recruit, Bruce Heggie #93, was in the bookstore talking and signing an autograph for the friendly ex realtor worker lady,so Aj shook his hand. This 'kid' was super polite, smiled at Maggie, told Aj 'nice to meet you sir', lady was telling him our winter's here aren't that bad, BH is from Florida (any winter is bad if you're from Florida, just sayin), we didn't know he was anyone of 'vip' importance when aj made a humourous comment to the boy to not listen the the dilusional lady saying our winters weren't bad, but that led to "meeting" him, so it worked out just fine, the few people we came in contact with were real friendly (not my 'other' experiences with Dome related peeps but that'll be another story for another time). That's how we learned that she was an ex realtor who's worked at the bookstore for 10 years yadda yadda yadda and how Notre Damers are soooo nice, Aj told her he has a different take on that when he arrests them, I laughed, but it's true, he doesn't just sell them merchandise with Irish logos on them and books about being more Green...anywho...
Our day ended up being really nice. One of those family moments that makes me smile. Even if it was just a simple trip to the bookstore and a little walk up and down the Eddy block. Maggie carried the bag with her stuff in it and Grama's birthday present, which was too heavy and too big for her, but she owned it, she strutted it, she worked it. People passing by just said oh how cute. Yes, we know, she is adorable and she's ours, sassiness and all and we LOVE it. We think it's funny, but when she's 16 and struttin it, maybe it won't be AS funny?! :) Good day. Thank You. Amen.

Friday, June 18, 2010


The Sandlot has to be one of the all time classic best movies ever. It just has to be. Here's why...

It's one of my favorite movies to watch in the summer. Baseball, Boys, some awesome quotes come right out of this movie, Hercules the monster dog (who just happens to be a smooshed face cute Mastiff), a young 'polite' Denis Leary, friends, good trouble making in the 60's, simple life, neighborhood block party on 4th of July, Each boy is so unique(could be any part of any of us if you look hard enough), smores,camp out,Ham, Benny, Smalls and (drum roll please) SQUINTS.

Michael 'Squints' Palledorous!
Is he not the perfect kid? Any mom now would want her daughter to date him. Please please please have a crush on a kid like Squints, Maggie, please. Just looking at him makes me laugh. I love him.
Squints says about his future wife Wendy Peffercorn: I've been coming here every summer of my adult life, and every summer there she is oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling... smiling. I can't take this no more! It's just a little tidbit into the minds of men...he may have been a boy then, but we all know they still think this way even if they're 47 years old. They never let go of their inner 'Squints'. Who are they trying to kid?! :)

For-ev-ver! I pretty much say it like this anytime my life gives me the opportunity to use the word can I not say it likes Squints said it? For-ev-ver!

You're killing me Smalls! This is one Moto Moto and i use just fits in perfectly in so many instances...we use it and better way to diffuse a 'disagreement' than laughter, thank you Ham Porter!

If you've never seen it, you should watch it. Now, go.
If you don't think it's one of the best movies you've ever seen
or you don't laugh well're a pee-drinking crap-face!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

i can't make this shit up

It's one of those...

(go to Walmart, get a cart that needs an alignment with a squeaky wheel, I'm too lazy to go trade it out for another cart, the princess wants to stand up in the cart or get out and walk, which doesn't make anything go at a pace I wish to keep, get done filling the cart with too much stuff I didn't even know we needed, go towards the check out lanes, and if you have ever been to WallyWorld you know there are at least 30, don't know why because on any given day there are only 4 open...anyways, there are 2 lanes and self check out open, I choose to stand in line because my back hurts on a daily basis thank you, I'm behind stinky-stretched out bra with holes in it-tank top wearing-scuzz bucket-lady, I'm breathing out my mouth trying not to take in her stench because I'm now blocked in, she gets done buying her cases of regular full throttle pop and Lean Cuisine meals and I can proceed, check out for me breathing threw any hole I choose goes fine, we push the alignment needing cart out, need to pass threw the 8 people in line for the RedBox they placed ever so cleverly at the exit door, stupid, and above movie getters don't exactly wish to move, I say excuse me twice before anyone budges, I push my cart out and it's raining, lovely, and my case of water falls off the front of my cart, ugh so i have to lift the 37 lb case of water an extra time, love that, get all my grocery bags in the cart, get the Midge strapped in her seat, nicely put cart in cart-corral which is right next to our car, I planned that, and jump in my seat to find there is something sticky now on my finger, sticky from the stupid cart handle I forgot to wipe off that I should have switched to begin with probably or it was on my car from someone other loser who wiped a booger on my handle thinking it'd be funny, either way I need a wet-nap, so I bust open my newly purchased Wet Ones that I'd already thrown in the diaper bag and the freakin bag rips, my hand is no longer sticky but now what do I do with the Wet Ones that won't close now, toss in cup holder so it doesn't leak anywhere, back up, almost hit old man, thank goodness i have back up sensors on my car, saved his precious life ha, pull out and drive down MY aisle and some jack ass is flying threw the parking lot, not in aisles, but cross ways over the empty parking spaces, i slam on my breaks and throw up in my mouth a little, make sure my baby's head is attached and no whip lash seems to be present and carry on...what i would do to that guy if i was a person who'd chase him down, just once i'd like to just take my car and go slam into someone like him, jackass, anywho...turn left by Culver's, get a hankerin for a big mess of a burger, but drive on by, take groceries home to make way into house, rains starts up again, right on cue, run baby onto the porch, take 'running' trips back and forth with groceries, a bag breaks and my egg carton falls out, splat, nice, great, wonderful, all but 2 are spared, you're lucky eggs, cuz I just about whipped the whole damn carton into a tree...would that have made me feel better?...anyways, time for nap, thank goodness, God invented naps for days like these. A break after a day of annoyances, smelly people and broken eggs, thank you God for children needing a nap so I can be lost in blog world venting, but grocery list on the fridge that should be empty now has Wet Ones on it AGAIN)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

the faceless man in my dreams

Like seriously, 8 out of 10 dreams are about some faceless guy I meet...if it would happen to be an R-rated dream, it's usually with this NO_FACE and not my husband. Is this normal? Either way, it's not like I can help it.
In my last dream, my mom and I started going to a new catholic church that met at night. I didn't really like the new church but didn't want to tell my mom, so I just told her I'd rather sit outside in the back of the church where they have a monitor on where I can hear the sermon but be outside. In my dream, she just waved me off like whatever oh clever one. I was sitting back there and looking at the trees and tuning out the sermon because this long-haired dude was back there with me. We finally struck up a conversation...which in dream land I think lasted all but 5 minutes and we were back at his 3 room cottage gettin it on...hmmmm...we had to be quiet though because his daughter was asleep...this man again was faceless. I couldn't tell you one feature he had other than the long hair...I could probably describe every detail of his 3 room cottage though, which is just weird.
Why would I dream of faceless men? Why do I not at least, if it's not Moto Moto, dream of someone I've at least met once in real life? A book character I've conjured up in my head? A perfect fantasy man?
I CAN tell you with 100% certainty that any man I've ever had the hots for has had a face :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

things I miss

I wouldn't change my life and how it's turned out for anything...I love what God has given me...but there are some things I just miss sometimes...

sleeping whenever I want
going out
watching a movie uninterrupted
not having to plan meals
not having to plan pretty much in general
alone time
having money
being on a sports team
my old pain free back
myself at 140 lbs (and I thought I was sooooo fat, i kid you not)
laying out in the sun (not knowing how bad it was for me)
reading not locked up in the bathroom for a 'quiet' place
my prelude when it had a/c (LOL)
Lucky (such a good dog for ME, he wasn't too keen about anyone else)
wearing shoes other than 'tennies'

I think that about covers it FOR TODAY :) ha

Sunday, June 13, 2010

From Paris with Love

John Travolta just keeps getting hotter and hotter...yummy bad ass...yum...way better than the dancing foo of Stayin Alive...just sayin.


first i thought moto moto being off work with knee injury was going to be torture...but it soooo wasn't.
it was really awesome to have him home and hanging out with me and the midge.
he goes back to work duty in dispatch until he's cleared from the dr to go back out on the road...he loves his 'road' job...but he's glad to get to be somewhat normal and work...i miss him already...he and baby girl would snuggle and it would just melt my heart...i have at least ten pictures of them...she is on his lap snuggled up under his chin laying on her side and they just talked and played and looked at 'cycles' on the internet...
wait wait wait, daddy just conveniently had time to brainwash our daughter into thinking harleys are the greatest things on earth...she wanted to watch utube videos of harleys 'dribe-ing' and hearing the 'noise'...she loved for real, loved it...i think she is going to miss daddy being back to work too...
what i thought was going to be on my nerves wasn't, that was a nice surprise...turns out we DO like daddy around more...honey, if you read this, it's so not meant to be know what i be saying P. We love you.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


sorta like day dreaming, but just about what tattoos i want next...can't get it outta my head...i want to fix the 3 i have 1st of all, then add more more more more...addicting...i had a dream about making my star on my back more feminine and i found something i think i could pull off to make it not just cute but super cute...why am i typing in all lower case, normally that bugs me but i'm too lazy to care at the moment...i want starbursts instead of dots on my wrist with some color behind them...i want like 16 more smaller feminine looking star designs on my back...i want a flower and some ivy on my shoulder...i want a heart wearing a pink hoodie...i want at least my right arm to be sleeved...i want maggie's name somewhere...i want i want i want...

ok reality, time to fold the laundry i just fluffed AGAIN.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Brain Thingys

Stuff on my mind, in no particular order of importance or stress, just stuff I'm always feeling/thinking/contemplating on any given day...

Aj wants a Harley...I would love to be able to just say, here's some cash, go get one.

I want another baby...OR do I? Maggie is at the age now, she's more independent, my back thanks her for that...but then Maggie without a sibling makes me sad...but then we aren't even preggers yet and that'll be 9 months plus 2 years of 'baby' stuff...weight concern...we've been 'trying' and nothing is happening...Is this really up to God? If so, I wanted my two punks closer together...did He not hear that? LOL

Aj has a torn MCL...cure time of 3 to 4 months

I went with him to his doctor appt at my old job of 7 years, so many faces had changed...hmmmm the place did keep running after I left, what a concept...I missed some of the people and my 7 years of what I thought was 'normalcy'...this child responsibilities stuff is hard work...for a minute I felt like a normal human instead of just Mommy...but then I left and I was over having a job LOL...what will I really do when the kids are in school...will i work full time...that'll be hard cuz most schools get out at like 2:30...hmmm...

I think my back and I want an exercise bike, but I don't know...

My 'girly' shirts are all dirty today and I'm wearing a t-shirt with a hole in the pit, um...I can still go out in public right? :)

I need new contacts, box is empty and my glasses bug me, so I'm wearing the dirty gritty lenses that most eye docs would cringe at...contacts only cost $36 a box...but that also means a Mall run is in order...such a pain.

I have a step-sister and brother whom I'm not close to. I'm ok with it, but it bugs me that they don't have a close relationship with Klenith. He's such a good man and I'd like to smack his kids so they see it too. For Memorial Day, they both cancelled after saying they were coming and bringing a dish, just bugs me.

Klen's mom needs hearing aides. Granny is going thru chemo, but better. Whore Number 1 is going blind...I don't want to get old. Seriously.

Our savings is down to double digits and we have 2 bills that needs to get paid somehow, how does THAT work?

I'd like a new cell phone...but then it's just a phone, so should I care?!
oh and a new camera...:)

And do we keep our leased car and buy it...get another in for a used cheaper car...i really like not having car worries after i drove my old car forever with car worries...but i don't like my light i petty or what?...don't answer that.

But all these worries can go right out the window...when last night, us 3 b'burns were out in the front yard...Moto Moto with his leg elevated while Maggie and I were twirling, playing Red Light Green Light and Ring Around the Rosey...and life just sometimes doesn't get any better than those little happy moments...Even if Maggie doesn't 'stop' on Red Light or know to 'fall' on We All Fall Down! Ha