Friday, June 18, 2010


The Sandlot has to be one of the all time classic best movies ever. It just has to be. Here's why...

It's one of my favorite movies to watch in the summer. Baseball, Boys, some awesome quotes come right out of this movie, Hercules the monster dog (who just happens to be a smooshed face cute Mastiff), a young 'polite' Denis Leary, friends, good trouble making in the 60's, simple life, neighborhood block party on 4th of July, Each boy is so unique(could be any part of any of us if you look hard enough), smores,camp out,Ham, Benny, Smalls and (drum roll please) SQUINTS.

Michael 'Squints' Palledorous!
Is he not the perfect kid? Any mom now would want her daughter to date him. Please please please have a crush on a kid like Squints, Maggie, please. Just looking at him makes me laugh. I love him.
Squints says about his future wife Wendy Peffercorn: I've been coming here every summer of my adult life, and every summer there she is oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling... smiling. I can't take this no more! It's just a little tidbit into the minds of men...he may have been a boy then, but we all know they still think this way even if they're 47 years old. They never let go of their inner 'Squints'. Who are they trying to kid?! :)

For-ev-ver! I pretty much say it like this anytime my life gives me the opportunity to use the word can I not say it likes Squints said it? For-ev-ver!

You're killing me Smalls! This is one Moto Moto and i use just fits in perfectly in so many instances...we use it and better way to diffuse a 'disagreement' than laughter, thank you Ham Porter!

If you've never seen it, you should watch it. Now, go.
If you don't think it's one of the best movies you've ever seen
or you don't laugh well're a pee-drinking crap-face!

1 comment:

  1. LOL you ARE killing me smalls. And if you buy this movie for will I PROMISE I won't regift it.
