Sunday, June 13, 2010


first i thought moto moto being off work with knee injury was going to be torture...but it soooo wasn't.
it was really awesome to have him home and hanging out with me and the midge.
he goes back to work duty in dispatch until he's cleared from the dr to go back out on the road...he loves his 'road' job...but he's glad to get to be somewhat normal and work...i miss him already...he and baby girl would snuggle and it would just melt my heart...i have at least ten pictures of them...she is on his lap snuggled up under his chin laying on her side and they just talked and played and looked at 'cycles' on the internet...
wait wait wait, daddy just conveniently had time to brainwash our daughter into thinking harleys are the greatest things on earth...she wanted to watch utube videos of harleys 'dribe-ing' and hearing the 'noise'...she loved for real, loved it...i think she is going to miss daddy being back to work too...
what i thought was going to be on my nerves wasn't, that was a nice surprise...turns out we DO like daddy around more...honey, if you read this, it's so not meant to be know what i be saying P. We love you.

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