Sunday, June 6, 2010

Brain Thingys

Stuff on my mind, in no particular order of importance or stress, just stuff I'm always feeling/thinking/contemplating on any given day...

Aj wants a Harley...I would love to be able to just say, here's some cash, go get one.

I want another baby...OR do I? Maggie is at the age now, she's more independent, my back thanks her for that...but then Maggie without a sibling makes me sad...but then we aren't even preggers yet and that'll be 9 months plus 2 years of 'baby' stuff...weight concern...we've been 'trying' and nothing is happening...Is this really up to God? If so, I wanted my two punks closer together...did He not hear that? LOL

Aj has a torn MCL...cure time of 3 to 4 months

I went with him to his doctor appt at my old job of 7 years, so many faces had changed...hmmmm the place did keep running after I left, what a concept...I missed some of the people and my 7 years of what I thought was 'normalcy'...this child responsibilities stuff is hard work...for a minute I felt like a normal human instead of just Mommy...but then I left and I was over having a job LOL...what will I really do when the kids are in school...will i work full time...that'll be hard cuz most schools get out at like 2:30...hmmm...

I think my back and I want an exercise bike, but I don't know...

My 'girly' shirts are all dirty today and I'm wearing a t-shirt with a hole in the pit, um...I can still go out in public right? :)

I need new contacts, box is empty and my glasses bug me, so I'm wearing the dirty gritty lenses that most eye docs would cringe at...contacts only cost $36 a box...but that also means a Mall run is in order...such a pain.

I have a step-sister and brother whom I'm not close to. I'm ok with it, but it bugs me that they don't have a close relationship with Klenith. He's such a good man and I'd like to smack his kids so they see it too. For Memorial Day, they both cancelled after saying they were coming and bringing a dish, just bugs me.

Klen's mom needs hearing aides. Granny is going thru chemo, but better. Whore Number 1 is going blind...I don't want to get old. Seriously.

Our savings is down to double digits and we have 2 bills that needs to get paid somehow, how does THAT work?

I'd like a new cell phone...but then it's just a phone, so should I care?!
oh and a new camera...:)

And do we keep our leased car and buy it...get another in for a used cheaper car...i really like not having car worries after i drove my old car forever with car worries...but i don't like my light i petty or what?...don't answer that.

But all these worries can go right out the window...when last night, us 3 b'burns were out in the front yard...Moto Moto with his leg elevated while Maggie and I were twirling, playing Red Light Green Light and Ring Around the Rosey...and life just sometimes doesn't get any better than those little happy moments...Even if Maggie doesn't 'stop' on Red Light or know to 'fall' on We All Fall Down! Ha

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