Sunday, June 27, 2010

I've created a monster

oh my gosh, some of the stuff that comes out of Maggie's mouth is soooo funny.
Some of the things, I'm like, oh no, I say that and now she's saying it. Other ones are all her little precious self!
So we are trying to break her of her pacifier, she used it just for sleeping, then it became pretty much a 19 hours a day thing, just needed it for comfort and I let her, I know, I'm getting The Mother of the Year award once again. I swore I wouldn't let her have a paci at first, then I caved. She loves the damn thing. I give in cuz Maggie's cute and I can't help it, but my caving in can cause more problems for me later and for her cuz then I have to put my foot down. Ok ok, so this is my first kid and I' m learning the hard way, big shocker. Anywho... the other day I put her down for her lovely afternoon snooze with her paci, blanket and 'peeyo'. She got up 2.5 hours later and it was time to hand over the paci. I said, ok nap is over, let Mommy have your paci. She grabs it and gives me 'THE LOOK'. I move her hand and take it from her. She says 'HEY I was usin THAT!". I laughed so hard, I couldn't help it, it was so damn funny and she was sooooo serious about it. I put her paci up on her dresser where she can't reach it, and laughed again when I looked back at her. Maggie looked pretty much offended. She was serious about using the paci and I had taken it from her and I was laughing. The look on her face made me think in her head she was asking 'um excuse me, but why is this funny?'!! I felt a little bad but had the giggles. I said with a grin on my face "Maggie honey , I'm sorry but you're a big girl and you don't need your paci unless you're sleeping." She just stared at me like yeah whatever, you don't know. She pouted a little bit then laid back down in her crib and said "I'm sleeping" and reached as far out as her little arm would reach and then said "paci?". OOOOOOOO smooth one kid, yes lay back down and act like you're going back to sleep so you can have your paci. You're smart, but I'm still smarter in some moments. I picked her, with a some resistance, like no no nap time is over and we changed her butt, got a snack and put on Robots. Who needs a paci when we've got Rodney Copperbottom and Fender?!! :)

Another thing she's saying now is "for a minute" or "a minute". Both of which are from yours truly.
When it's time for bed, I'll say ok, grab your blanket, let's go nigh night and she'll say usually with a hand in the air "I lay HERE for a minute".
We could be leaving to go somewhere and she is dilly dallying out the door and I'll say something like come on Maggie we gotta get going or move it girl or go to the car and she'll say "on porch a minute" or "watchin bird a minute". Pretty much 'a minute' has no time value, she is just telling me to stuff it! :)

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