Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday by the Fountain

1st of all, Maggie refused to touch the water in the Fountain. What a weirdo.
2nd of all, the Fountain isn't always on because of the economy. Now that is just sad.
Fridays by the Fountain is a 10 year old tradition in South Bend. It's free concerts on fridays down by the fountain in front of The Morris. From 11:30-1:30 you can enjoy hanging out, listening to free music, buying food if you wish from the handful of vendors, dancing if you dance, water splashing from the fountain if you're hot, shade trees, nice sidewalks to walk or ride your scooter on, a weird double circle sculpture thing that your kid will be obsessed over, old people, young people, people on their lunch hour, moms yelling at their kids, moms ignoring their kids that need to be yelled at and ,oh, the music of course.
Today was Kennedy's Kitchen an Irish Band, who I've seen only one other time, but they are so good. Authentic Irish music, not that I've ever been to Ireland to know for sure but it's what I'd expect a band in Ireland would sound like.
Maggie, Granny and I went. We found some shade and set up camp. Not that Maggie would just sit in the shade and relax, I knew that much going in, but her stoller was comfy in the shade beside Granny. We walked around and around and around the brick circle that went by the band, around the back of the vendors and back up towards Granny. Maggie is lucky it was only 82 degrees and less humid today than it has been the last few days or Mommy wouldn't have been all about the around and around and around and around. Ha. She wanted to see the Fountain, from a distance. When we got up close, she could feel the slight splashes/fine mist and 'no like the waduh'. I thought the nice fine mist was a welcoming break from the heat, but what do I know?! Ok kids on your scooters, watch out, if you hit my daughter, I'm going to break that little scooter over your face, ok I'm ok now, their mom told them what's up! :) Although, the small scooter would be easy to pack in the trunk for kids to take places like this to give them something to do other than trying to lug around a bike or trampoline or something bigger. A scooter, a soccer ball and a football did just fine for almost every single kid I saw there. I'll put that in my memory bank for when Maggie is a little older and gets bored more easily. Right now, she is fine with her chips, her sunglasses and walking around and looking at pretty much everything and telling me all about it. Look Mommy, big truck. Wow Mommy Circles. Mommy look. Come on Mommy walk. Music Mommy. Mommy look at the waduh. Wanna chip Mommy? Hi Grinny(I love that Maggie says Granny like Grinny). Drink Mommy. Is hot Mommy. :)

Good Day.

1 comment:

  1. "or mommy wouldn't have been all about the around and around and around and around" LOL
