Thursday, May 6, 2010

4 colleges NO degree

I was reading another blog about a college professor, which switched my brain into, you are a loser Kendra, you went to 4 schools with nothing to show for it, not even the loan bill anymore cuz you paid it off(not that I'm really complaining about that one, thank you god that is over really). I went to Butler right out of high school, for one semester. I didn't really like it there. I had a boyfriend at home and my parents were in the process of 'splitting' every weekend, sometimes thursday night, I'd skip my one or two friday classes and I'd drive the 3 hours home. It take me long to figure out I'd finish out the semester and come home for good. Only thing I liked was my German professor who looked like Santa Claus, the cute boy in that class that brought me a sucker and asked me out, the 1st Frat party I'd ever been to, McDonald's run for LARGE diet cokes with Sara for Monopoly pieces, coloring for stress relief while my roommate and her boyfriend studied WAY harder and MORE than I did for tests, worked late afternoons at an Ad Agency in their basement doing data entry and mail where they specifically pointed out that the extra fridge was for after hours beers(should have stayed there hello), the pretty drive when I got close to school with all the rich people's houses, the ghetto street behind campus and Broad Ripple.
My 2nd school was Purdue North Central, LOVED it there. Close to home, made a nice friend to meet up with for lunch and to study with, good professors (except one nazi, more on that in uno momento), nice little campus, the drive to and from school from New Carlisle was relaxing, classes Monday thru Thursday...History Professor Nazi was well a friggin jerk face. He was known for 'failing' people, calling on people when he thought they DIDN'T know the answer, putting in a movie and leaving the classroom, 'locking' the door if you're late etc...well I hated him, he made me so angry and there was nothing I could do about it except GO to CLASS and ACT like I knew everything, read and re-read chapters before class, take good notes...well, no matter what, he'd call on me when I didn't have a clue and make me feel stupid...then we had a blizzard, a lake effect Indiana blizzard...I spun off the road on the way to school, knew I'd be late for his class but still decided I'd go because it would be pretty obvious to HIM that there was indeed a blizzard outside and my 'excuse' would didn't fly...I came in and sat down and he was like SO NICE OF YOU TO JOIN US...did I mention I was only like 6 minutes late considering my toyata tercel hatch back had slid off the road and I drive from New Carlisle hello...I said I'M SO SORRY, I FLEW OFF THE ROAD AND IT TOOK ME DOUBLE THE TIME TO GET HERE BUT I DIDN'T WANT TO MISS YOUR CLASS(threw that last part in there for kicks)...he pretty much gave me shit for 10 minutes about how I should have accounted for the weather (which I thought I did) and how it's not responsible to have his class held up on my account BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Jerk. I got a C in his class, dammit, but I passed and I never had to see him ever again!!
My speech professor was a a lawyer and was so cool. My Sociology professor was like a groovy mad scientist that made me want to change my degree, he made everything so interesting. The neGAHtive NOOMbers Astronomy teacher I learned to love after I could understand him.
IUSB was my 3rd school, I pretty much didn't like it, not the school, but the situations(a stupid boy)in my life, I saw school as a pain...bad attitude on my part...I went but didn't enjoy it like I should have been...decided I was bored with Elementary Education classes and decided I wanted to do Speech Pathology and for that degree I'd have to trasfer to a different school...I believe if I remember correctly I took some time off, worked and prepared for leaving..seriously breaking ties with aforementioned stupid boy...anywho...
Ended up at Purdue...Purdue really is a great nice beautiful school. I felt too old to be in dorms and too broke to be in an apartment, so I chose to live in a Grad House. I had a single room, thank god, because once I lived there for a day, I realized the whole damn place was full of stinky foreigners. I have nothing against them, just the smell of the food they eat. Oh my, I stuffed towels under my door to help block the stinky rotten dirt smell of the food, which even if they weren't cooking, lingered. So many good and bad things happened while I was there. I liked my classes, felt really challenged by them, liked having my focus on speech pathology. I took sign language and never thought it would be so hard not to talk and to get my hands to move, boy was I wrong, it was so hard. My professor for my hearing classes was so hard on us and seemed to test so hard, I'd feel sick before my tests....I don't test well under normal circumstances, but she made it even worse...but I LEARNED so much from her. Jenna would come to see me ALL THE TIME, stayed in my room with me, we had so much a glove drunken was just fun. Decided she was going to move down, we moved to my uncle's house to save money then to a kick ass apartment...little by little money got tighter and tighter and bills were getting the best of me, jobs sucked, too much time to work and for not enough money, first waitressing job was at Texas Roadhouse, hated every minute of that, worked for a call center(I don't know how people make it in call centers) was more important than school to keep up with my bills...I took a summer job at my first and last factory, left at the 1st bell for break because I was literally bloody and scared as hell...I think Jenna and I went to a movie that night instead. Ha. Found another job as a night auditor for a hotel, it was an alright job, my boss was super nice, but the job itself was soooooo boring...I'm not sure how it happened, but we decided to move home. I was going to TAKE A BREAK from school and pay off my bills and then go back to PNC or IUSB...
Well peeps, as you all know now, THAT didn't happen. LOL. I worked and drank alot, worked some more, met AJ, got married, had Maggie...and now I'm the happiest I've ever been doing the hardest job I've ever done!!!

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