Thursday, May 13, 2010

Doggy Did It

Maggie pooped on her potty last night. She was 'helping' me clean up the kitchen and said 'potty'. Wait, let me back up, she has said this before and nothing comes of it, she's already gone potty in her diaper or I put her on the potty and she's scared or sits there and acts distracted like what the hell am I supposed to do on here Mommy? This time she said it like um, mom, um, potty, now. She even walked to the kitchen door towards the bathroom. I asked 'you have to go potty baby?' She said 'mmmmhmmm' (yes nod yes nod). So I took her in there, took off her pants and diaper and she wanted her shirt off too for some reason and said 'nakey'. I'm not fighting this, I just go with it. So here she is nakey sitting on her potty, not doing anything, talking to me, looking around, pointing at the stuff in the bathtub...she's getting up every few seconds and I'm saying 'no no honey, sit back down and potty'. She'd sit back down and we'd start the game all over. Daddy by this time has made it upstairs ready for work, so we're all having a potty party. I'm convinced, she won't go. Then, she barely squats to sit and poops in the potty, scares herself, jumps for me, and says 'skeered skeered' and is holding on to me...I am shocked myself and am reaching for the wipes...then she looks over at the potty and says 'doggy did it'. WHAT? Where on earth did she get that? Wait, she has been obsessed with Marly and Me lately watching the Doggy maybe that's the only poop she's actually seen??? John Grogan is hosing down doggy poo in their backyard looking for Jenny's necklace that Marley had eaten...hmmmm...maybe this does make complete sense, at least in Maggie's little head it did. Either way, she went poop on the BIG Girl Potty!
Now today, not so much. I thought, ok, force it a little before I got her dressed, I asked her if she needed to go potty, she said k...I put her on the potty and nothing...she fighting it, I say ok, we'll get dressed now, just tell Mommy when you have to go potty and we'll come back...she walks into her bedroom with her shopping cart and pees on the floor. LOL. Wait, Marley did that too! :)

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