Thursday, May 20, 2010

I love Parenthood

I'm not exactly(this time)talking about Maggie here, even though nothing tops being Maggie's Mommy...
I'm talking about after Maggie goes to sleep from 10:00pm-11:00pm on Tuesday nights after Glee is over. I'm talking Mommy time that keeps me as sane as is possible for being me. I'm talking watching a tv show without interruption(usually)...
I watch Parenthood. I love pretty much everything about it so far. The characters are awesome and the issues are real...i love love love it. If I were a wine drinker, I'd pour me a glass and snuggle up by myself on the couch for this one! Since I'm not, I fill my water glass up again and flop down exhausted and enjoy. I have to admit, it's not exactly terrible that at least a couple of the MEN on the show are yummy too.

Tune in.

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