Monday, May 17, 2010


pain makes me irritable.
pain makes me sad.
pain makes me irritable, wait did I already say that?
I'm icing my back now and my legs are numb, I should probably get up now and change positions because if I don't I'll be even more 'stiffer'.
I get so sick of thinking about, feeling and talking about my bad back. I'm just tired of it. Percocet and chiropractic care seems to help, but yesterday I went for a walk, about 2 miles, not too fast, not too slow, "ran" across two intersections...we use the word ran loosely here ok...I came home, felt good, stretched outside for awhile, then came in the stretch my back...nothing ever hurt UNTIL I wanted to get up off the floor...I couldn't. It took me about 20 minutes to move from the floor to a sitting position on the couch, moto moto hooked me up with the ice pack and I downed a percocet like nobody's business...made my way eventually to my bad to lay down and take some pressure off. Thank God, I think that is the only reason, other than my percs, that I can move today. Moto Moto was off work last night so he was major ON-DUTY, so I didn't have to do anything other than rest, ice, change position...repeat. Ugh. Back pain really effects the whole body, including my mind. Enough of this already. I'm better, not good. Did the dishes and needed to 'rest'. Got dressed and needed to 'rest'. Did my makeup and needed to 'rest'. Woke up the boy to watch the girl so I could drive myself to the chiropractor...I was scared cuz I knew it would hurt but be a good hurt. I cried to him. I cried during the adjustment and I cried to myself in the car afterwards. I'm just so over this.
Anywho, before the chiropractor, I dropped a book off at the library and ended up buying 3 books for $2 and rented two movies for Maggie and I tonight...more couch time the better...if she's in a movie trance, I can do less moving with my Alvin, Simon, Theodore and your squeakual...well, you'd better be kick ass or I'll or I'll...well I don't know, I'll kick you when I can lift my own leg!!

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