Saturday, May 22, 2010

f&%ckin Barney

Ok so this is the first time I let Maggie pick out a dvd at the library on her own and possibly the last. There's like 100,000 dvds to pick from right...follow along here...there are all sorts of colors and characters...characters she's familiar with and characters she's not...what on earth made her stoop down and zero in on Barney. We've never watched Barney on tv, we've never talked about a big creepy purple dinosaur, we don't own any Barney dvds or vhs tapes or 8 tracks, we don't put in Barney cds in the car...why would she zero in on him out of all the other ones? There are pink princessy looking ones and Diego and Dora and Big Bird and Elmo...all ones I would have thought she'd be jumping for joy over, but no, she wants Barney. She says 'puhpull one mama'! Like I can say no to that. We check it out. Along with an elmo one I grabbed just in case Barney would disappoint. Did he dissappoint? um, no. She was jumping up and down excited and trying to sing and dance along with the big grape. What the?? Why? I really really really don't like Barney. He's kinda a creepy pedophile like sounding moron. agggghhhhh. So we've officially watched 'BawKnee' 37 times. She was very upset when it was time for bed the first night and we had to turn off above said moron. She was in her crib pouting for 'BawKnee'! Oh god. I being the wonderful fulfill her every happiness mother won't deny her Barney, but why Barney? Elmo rocks compared to Barney, even though his voice, thank you Kevin Clash, gets a little irritating sometimes. But at least his voice doesn't make my skin crawl like I wanna check out the i'm a creepy purple dinosexoffender website!! aggh...ok I'm being a little dramatic, but I don't like Barney. I took the 1st Barney back and got The Doddlebops,The Best of Barney(he's been around like 20 yrs..what?)The Lion King and Monsters you think we've been able to throw in anything other than the BEST OF Barney? Negatory. Seriously, Maggie, you are lucky you are so damn cute!

1 comment:

  1. and it's frickin barney not the other word...give me SOME credit here people. ha
