Thursday, May 27, 2010

da Waduh

I woke up to Maggie saying go in da waduh...
Jenna got a small pool and we all went 'swimming' yesterday, more like moving around on our knees and the kids jumping all over the place...

Wait wait wait, let's back up.
First we had to find her suit, go to Target for Little Swimmers, get new HOLLYWOODS (aka sunglasses), pink sandals and some dive toys...thank you dollar spot...we love things for a dollar...anywho, Maggie told me before we left, she wanted to 'go shopping at da target' instead of going to Walmart, we went to Target, she was so good and happy there. She thought AntGin and Will would be there too and seemed confused that they weren't, but dollar spot made her get over that confusion pretty quickly. She really only reaches for or 'asks' for a few things usually too, this is a girl that knows what she wants...I let her pick between 3 Hollywoods, yellow little flower ones, pink 'adulty' ones and red heart ones. It wasn't even a real decision, she looked at me like duh mom um the pink ones and grabbed them. They are so cute too, they are pretty adult looking, which is so funny. She wore them for about an hour before she thought it wasn't bright enough in the house to keep wearing them. Ha. Sandal trying on was funny. I put on flip flop like sandals, where there was a strap BETWEEN her toes, she said instantly 'not ready mommy no'. Her toes were moving so fast to get that damn strap out from BETWEEN her tootbugs. Ok how about these, they would be so cute with little flowers on them, all different colors, 'no mommy pick one' i let her pick. She pointed to the pink 2 strapped ones that had nothing BETWEEN her toots...not my 1st choice, but she LOVED them. She wore them last night after her bath with her jammies! :) The Little Swimmers diapers rocked because they had Nemo and Doe-y on them...yeah, plus they really did work great in the pool. No soggy 10 lbs of wet butt draggin between her legs, which is nice.
Anywho, after lunch we went in da 'waduh'. FINALLY. Mommy waduh Mommy waduh Mommy waduh...hold it child, I'm stuffin my face with pizza, just give me one second please...mommy waduh mommy waduh...
We got in the waduh. She loved it. Natural fish, must get that from Moto Moto, cuz me and water not so much...Jenna's pool is great, it's 2 1/2 feet deep, no yucky lake bottom, so I was in heaven. Ha. Maggie jumped and jumped and jumped...Will dove under a gazillion times...we made a whirlpool...crashed into each other...went 'backerds'...'funs mommy'...Maggie was basically doing some sort of water synchronized dance and singing too...hilarious...back and forth singing and dancing for like a half hour straight pretty much...she only did this because we let her out of the little floaty. Freedom = Performance :)


  1. "youuuuuu & meeeeeee. yeahhhhhhh. youuuuuu & meeeeeee. yeahhhhhhh." it was quite a song!! LOL

  2. LOL and you loved it antgin, you're jealous you didn't come up with such rockin lyrics
