Sunday, May 30, 2010

Out the Loop

I feel so unattached to the outside world sometimes. It can be a little overwhelming too sometimes. I sometimes think maybe I need more connections, but then in my very next breath, I think, ugh, that gives me major anxiety and I don't like it. Notice I keep saying sometimes, well because it IS just sometimes. I wouldn't change staying home with Maggie for ANYTHING. I don't think Aj and I have any couple friends with at least one kid Maggie's age that we'd just hang out with...when we do have time...we spend time home...quality time with the 3 of us is so important...then I read blogs or facebook statuses (statusi?) of people 'doing' cool stuff. Is it because their kids are older or they have friends? I have a wonderful family, but we're all right here together, so there is no traveling to see them (which sometimes, again sometimes, sounds like it would be fun), there are no lake houses to visit, no big hello, all that cwap costs money too....soooooooo...
Most days though, it's so awesome being close to my family, I can't believe how blessed I am...I get to BE a part of everything that happens with my Nieces and Nephews and Sister and Mom and Granny and Dad and StepKlen...and my friends are right here too...I don't see enough of them...but they are right here and that is comforting...if I made that call, any one of them could be on my porch in about 20 minutes or less...
So what's my deal?
Tomorrow is a holiday. Every day is the same for me now that I don't work, weekends are just more days in the week. Aj's days off are revolving so those tend to be my weekends now for the most part, but I never really feel that oh it's friday, thank god for the weekend feeling I used to get when I had a 'job'. Maybe that is the problem, I need to plan more fun things that don't cost much for us to do on Aj's days off. I need to change it up some, like little things Maggie and I can do differently like once a week. It's nice that Jenna and Will are available too this summer for swimming and the kids playing together, but oh god, Will will be in school. Then Maggie has no "KID" to pal around with.
I'm worrying too much and I shouldn't be. This is easy to fix.
This week, after Memorial Day Parade and a cook out...we get sand for the sand box, we get dirty, we go to the beach, we decorate the driveway with sidewalk chalk art, we go swim, and we NAP hard. :) LOL