Sunday, May 9, 2010

food is evil

I think I have done good on my new eating...'diet'...what I can follow the rest of my life, but the scale sure isn't making me happy. I do FEEL better though...but I want to be dropping some poundage dangit. I think I've had more raw vegetables and salads the past 3 weeks than I have in my whole life...I've 'cheated' some...a BK breakfast sandwich(no hashbrowns like I'd normally HORK down), 5 chicken nuggets and some fries(not large sized or a 10 pack like I'd normally HORK down), and Mom's night out was at Wings, so I had wings. But other than that, really honestly I've cut my portions down big time from what I'd normally HORK down. Ok, enough of the word HORK...if that is even a word...Raw vegetables and fruits keep me full, which is good. Salads and a glass of water before dinner make me eat less of the dinner...if I get hungry, I eat vegetables and hummus or some almonds...BEFORE I'd HORK down, oops, I used HORK again again again...Before, I'd have slammed back some chips any kind but usually doritoes and thought nothing of exercise must be where I'm lacking, other than going outside with Maggie and walking, I don't do much because of how my back feels most days, so next Monday...maybe the Monday after because I'm a taxi service this week with alot going on...I'm going to start, even if I can do 7 minutes, p90x. I will avoid anything that aggrevates my back, but I can fast forward thru those. Something is better than nothing. Instead of sitting on my doopah while Maggie naps on the computer, I'm going to change into my work out gear and do SOMETHING physical while she is napping...Moto Moto did his 1st 6 days of p90x and of course I wanna punch him because he seems to have the motivation and focus I'm lacking right now, plus a 5 lb weight loss. Boys suck, Ha Ha Ha. I can't complain though because Moto Moto is on board with anything I'm cooking. He is just trying whatever it is and not having seconds and not complaining. Most men would be like where are my meat and taters, but he's doing really good. Which should make this NEW life style easier, but I'm,for some reason, still struggling...maybe I should chuck my scale out the window, wait none of our windows open to chuck the scale out of...ok maybe I'll put it under my tire when I'm backing out of the drive way and crush it??? Either way, I don't like what it says to me...everything I've ever read, says make a few changes and wow look at the results, apparently, they aren't talking to me. I feel like I've changed ALOT and I've lost 3 whoopteedo lbs. Anywho, off to chew on some celery, have a lovely day why don't ya :)


  1. 3 pounds might seem like nothing when you are only 3 weeks in, but imagine in a year, it could be 52 pounds! ;)
