Sunday, November 29, 2009

ever changing

Maggie is changing up her own schedule again. Jenna warned me of this, just when you get used to something they do or it seems like there is a rhyme or reason to what's going on, it changes. She is now getting up in the morning early and wanting to keep her paci and blanket with her out on the couch and watch tv. Now she's slowly waking up unlike before shen she'd just get up and start jumping around in her crib like she was nuts. Sometimes she'll sit still for like an hour. That is a long time. Seems like 2 nights now too she wants to wind down doing the same thing. She goes in her room and grabs her blanket if it isn't with her already and sits up on the couch like a big girl. Yesterday, Aj was downstairs getting ready for work and I was packing his lunch and Maggie was just in on the couch watching the Notre Dame Football game all by herself. She was all snuggly in her blanket and was content for like 45 mins just sitting there. Seriously just one week ago, she was going going going going like the energizer bunny all day long. It would take me grabbing her to get her to even sit on my lap for one minute. She'd come to me to sit on my lap to read a book, but other than that, she was MOVING. Is this her little way of telling me she's getting older? Is she now not going to be a morning person right out the gate? She's not crabby first or last part of the day either, unless I try to take her blanket or paci away, then we have issues. She gives me this look like um, why you do that? She is also very helpful now in getting dressed for the day. She likes to help put her pants on. She'll stand up, without me directing her, hold onto my shoulders and raise one of her toots to put in the leg hole. It's so cute. She pretty much picks out which shoes she wears for the day too. I have usually 3 pairs out and she lets me know which ones she is NOT wearing. It's very clear that she knows what goes with her outfit. Are you kidding me kid? :)
When Aj leaves for work now too, her routine is different. She did it all on her own too. He stands outside the glass door and they fist bump the window at each other, too cute. Then she is like bye bye and shuts the big door. I think she thinks it's cool that she can push the BIG door closed. Anywho, my point: She is getting so big so fast. Things are changing. She is trying to say just about everything too! This is crazy!! She says tuhhdown(touchdown), house, mo(elmo), coo Jenn)...Mimi...Poppa...pop...hop...two...


  1. That's interesting that you say that, Luke and Maggie are only like 15 days apart and he just started doing the same thing. He is a lot more relaxed and okay with just sitting for awhile. It's kinda nice! :)

  2. Yes, It is kinda nice!! I'm so not complaining:)
