Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Grass

Maggie was way more "into" Easter this year, not that she gets the actual concept of what it's really about, but she liked getting all the candy and gifts. We could have all saved some money my just buying her easter basket grass though, it was everywhere. We picked it up in individual pieces, we put it on our head, we threw it in the air, we put it all back in the basket, we dumped in out in one clump, we ran our fingers through it like hair, we picked up little clumps from the big clump and took it into another room, we spread it out like a walkway, why walk thru it when you can run?

Two days of Easter Basket Grass is enough for Mommy. Sorry kiddo, you are napping right now and I'm putting Easter stuff away, including your precious grass strewn all over the house. If you even remember it's gone, you'll eventually forgive me, but Mommy's back can't handle bending and stooping even more than usual to pick up your mess.

I think she also got more candy than she did from trick-or-treating this past Halloween...hmmm...1 easter basket, 1 easter tub, 1 beach pail and 1 bunny bag...filled to over flowing with eggs, candy, GRASS, stuffed animals, movies, coloring book, crayons, bubbles, noise making lamb, poopin chicken, "i dont like it" jelly beans to spit out and plenty of chocolate for Daddy to help her with.

Jesus is the Reason for the Season...and Madagascar movies from the Easter in the world did the Easter Bunny know Aj and I wanted the Madagascar movies too? Now that's just plain weird.

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